Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Realignment Talk Again

Although I've looked through my Lindy's pre-season college football annual from time to time since I received it a few weeks ago, I haven't written much about college football recently. You can expect that to change since it's partway through July, and August is when my mind really turns toward college football season.

But today I came across two articles I thought I'd pass along.

Last summer there was a lot of excitement because of Nebraska and Colorado leaving the Big 12-2 Conference, but I haven't seen much about other realignment schemes happening until today.

Both articles come from sites associated with Texas A&M, the university the SEC, by various accounts, courted last summer.

The first article by Billy Liucci, "Will A&M Trigger the Next Realignment Explosion?", relates the politics of the Texas Ten Conference and provides speculation that the SEC will go after both A&M and Oklahoma.

But according to a more detailed and nuanced article, "The Winds of Change Blowing Again?", it sounds like the Aggies are taking a long-term perspective on the situation, especially considering the details the author, David Sandhop, goes into about the needed renovations to their stadium. Sandhop also reveals that apparently Clemson is ready to jump to the SEC, which makes sense to me.

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