Recently my five-year old son told me that I needed to get an iPhone like Mrs. Nasty. The conversation went like this:
- Son: Dad, you need to get an iPhone like Mommy.
- Me: Why, so you can play games on it?
- Son: Yes.
I'm still rockin' a flip phone and don't plan to get a smart phone anytime soon. Why do I need to be that connected anyway? I don't want to be like those people I see all around me who are always staring down at their phones and texting God knows what. Get your heads up, people, pay attention and take in what's going in the world, not your stupid-ass phone. Quintilian B. Nasty no text.
I'm still flip-phoning as well. When I'm with groups of people, I take bets with myself as to how long it will be before someone whips out the iPhone to check something vaguely related to our conversation while we all have to stand there waiting, and then the phone gets passed around so we can look at what's on it. If I wanted to have a conversation involving a phone...well, duh, I'd call someone. Flippin' phones.
I don't even like talking on a phone, so the idea of me texting or using it to check this or that repulses me.
I'll just rely on Mrs. Nasty, so there's that wrinkle to ponder.
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