Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Cliches in Reporting

I find the Teddy Kennedy illness to be very unfortunate, and I really don't have much to say about that.

However, I do have a problem with how the media describes Kennedy. There's a ubiquitous cliche they use to describe Senator Kennedy, a really tired phrase. Reporters and various talking heads seem to enjoy describing him as a "liberal lion."

As any 7th grader who's watched the Discovery Channel can tell us, male lions usually hang back with the kids while the females go hunt for food. Do they really want to equate Senator with a layabout predator? 

Likewise, Senator McCain is consistently described as a "maverick." How the hell is he such a maverick? So he's gone against his own party at times. Big deal. Usually when he's gone against the policies of the neocons, it's been because he's done so on more traditionally "conservative" grounds, reasons/beliefs that more closely align with older "conservative" views from Ur-conservatives like Edmund Burke.

For a more detailed connection between McCain and Burke, follow the link below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to first start out with an apology to Mary Jo Kopechne and family…….May the kind and benevolent Lord bless her and her families souls!

The “Liberal Lion” sit back and wait (i.e. run) technique may have originated back in ’69 somewhere between Chappaquiddick Island and Martha’s Vineyard. Of course have no proof of this, but it is one hell of an explanation.
