Friday, January 4, 2008

"The Kid" did it...

As my father related this morning, "the kid" (Obama) did it. At their caucus venue (my mom and dad's), my high school alma mater, they had to switch to the little theatre because turnout was so strong--so many caucus-goers.

And now the candidates descend upon New Hampshire, with the debate on Saturday as crucial.

I expect the Clinton team, who has to be reeling since Edwards eked out a second place victory over her (the establishment candidate), to turn this "change" mantra (a word I'm getting tired of hearing, actually) on Obama on Edwards by questioning how exactly they're going to create change and what their qualifications for change are.

Obviously, Clinton's "experience" card didn't work in Iowa, so I expect her to ask both of her rivals to detail how change can happen with either guy as president. One nice snappy answer would be that they won't turn the Lincoln bedroom into a political ATM machine.

Regardless, my parents now feel safe to answer their phone.

Congrats to Iowans on their huge turnout for both parties!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fired up...Ready to go!!!!