Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Random Notes from a Crank

For going out in public, I want a mask like Bane's.

This graphic sums up a lot of FB posts and FoxNews commentators.

I'm a little obsessed with whom Biden will pick as his VP candidate. This is a good read from The Washington Post: "The 11 Most Logical Picks for Joe Biden's Vice-President, Ranked." 

But let's go a little out of left field here. What if Biden were to pick AOC as the VP? From a political standpoint, it's illogical. She represents the Bronx. But picking her might unite the Bernie Backers to Biden's side. However, FoxNews would churn up its propaganda machine like crazy, which it will do anyway whether it's Kamala Harris or AOC, who both have brown skin, by the way. 

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