Saturday, April 11, 2020

Random Notes from a Crank

One of the few positives of the Covid-19 and the stay-at-home orders is this: Catholic priests won't be able to sexually abuse kids. It's darkly humorous, but it's true. 

Speaking of religion, while I'm an agnostic, the Nasty family will celebrate Easter by roasting a turkey, making mashed potatoes, and all that jazz. I bought a frozen lemon meringue pie from Aldi for dessert. 

The recent storm the came through these parts blew down all kinds of dead limbs, which has replenished my stock of kindling for fires. 

The house across the street from us is a rental home. The family that currently occupies it has a mini-van, a Porshe SUV, a Corvette, and the Dad drives a Harley. They have all this, and they can't buy a house? Priorities I guess...

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