Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Random Notes from a Crank

We've had beautiful weather around this part of east central Illinois. 

Even though the pandemic has hit our county, I'm still taking the dog for his daily walks and working in the yard. 

Yesterday it was tree trimming, and every other day or so I weed the garden. With the stay-at-home order, I should have a pretty weed-free garden this year. 

I'm still unsure whether wearing a mask in public really helps much of anything, but I guess I'll do it. I have some masks from when I ripped out carpet from the whole main floor of our house. And Mrs. Nasty found some that my daughter had to use during a dance competition because she came down with strep throat. 

I found out recently that the writer O'Henry coined the term "banana republic." Unfortunately, the US under Trump has its own banana republic effects under his work. I call it "work" because I won't call it leadership. 

Case in point is the The Washington Post article, "Trump Removes Inspector General Who Was to Oversee $2 Trillion Stimulus Spending." 

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