Sunday, January 12, 2014

Random Notes from a Crank

Here's the full interview with Jason Isbell from his Austin City Limits performance if you're interested. I had hoped his episode would be solo or with his wife Amanda Shires. However, it's with Neko Case, which is a good pairing also.

If you're a fan of bourbon, "The New Science of Old Whiskey" by Wane Curtis is worth a read. There's interesting info about the craft and chemistry of whiskey making. 

Here's some gleanings from November's Harper's Index:

  • Percentage of public-school teachers who spent their own money on school supplies during the past academic year: 99.5
  • Average amount they spent: $485
  • Estimated factor by which the amount of "Stuf" in a DoubleStuf Oreo exceeds the amount in a regular Oreo: 1.86
  • Percentage by which the average NFL fan's saturated-fat consumption goes up the day after a loss by the local team: 16

That last factoid reminds me of a tee-shirt The Onion had years ago. It was a simple white shirt that said "Local Sports Team." I'd like one of those shirts, but they don't have it anymore.

The Nasty family supported our local sports team (high school basketball) on Friday night. The Trojans of Charleston got their ass kicked by the Mattoon Green Wave. 

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