Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Social Conquest of Earth

In the November issue of The Atlantic, Howard W. French profiles one of the most influential biologists and ecologists on the planet, E. O. Wilson (a U of Alabama alumnus, by the way).

I've been a huge fan of his work for a long time since he writes about important and intricate concepts to laypeople in compelling ways. From Biophilia to The Creation: An Appeal to Save Life on Earth, from On Human Nature to Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge, from The Future of Life to Anthill (a novel that I had no idea about), he articulates scientific knowledge and theoretical concepts in articulate and interesting ways

Check out French's "E. O. Wilson's Theory of Everything" if you have a chance, especially because it previews his next book that will come out in April: The Social Conquest of Earth. It should stir some controversy.

Roll Tide, Professor Wilson.

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