Monday, January 31, 2011

Don't Play That

As a kid I was never fond of clowns. I didn't get what was supposed to be so funny about them. They dressed like morons. And their jokes were hokey. Except for the clown car. I admit it. I liked that schtick at the circus. So clowns, you got me on that one. Well played.

I've just never felt comfortable with clowns, not to the degree of coulrophobia but a general uncomfortableness with their hokum. They are always so fake happy. I would think as a kid, "Give me a break. Everybody knows you're faking all this, 'The world's such a funny place, and I bring comedy into the world.'"

To me, if that guy who Robin Williams played in the one movie, you know that Patch Adams fella, if he came to my hospital room and tried to lighten my mood, I'd be "Get your painted ass out of here, chief. Clowns need not apply for my hospital room. I got standards. Go to the book store and bring me some Camus or Twain or Larry Brown and get the hell out of here. And I want my change back!"

Then things changed.

I became a regular viewer of In Living Color, the sketch comedy series that featured the Wayans brothers, brothers who attempted to rival the Marsalis brothers in artistry.

Well, in my humble opinion the Marsalis brothers would easily beat the Wayans brothers on some grand, arcane scale of artistry, but I digress.

Damon played a clown I can get behind, and to this day I use Homey's catch-phrase (in my head) when someone is telling me something stupid or wrong or silly or obvious bull poo.

I think, "Homey don't play that."

So if you want to be introduced or reintroduced to Homey D. Clown, check out "Introducing Homey D. Clown."

He does a great magic trick.

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