Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ode to Blackberry Pie

There were a number of articles at the start of the year proclaiming that 2011 was going to be the "year of pie" since the homestyle desert was projected to supplant cupcakes as the next food trend out there. Apparently cupcake joints sprouted in major metropolitan areas all last year, a trend I knew nothing about.

Now I like a good cupcake. I'll gladly admit that. I'll stand as charged, but I've never been really all that fond of cake in general. But pie, that's a different story.

Behold the Dessert of the Gods, pie, glorious pie.

As the picture above shows, a good pie can put a body in a sweet stupor while watching such programs as The Fresh Beat Band, Dino Dan, or Wild Kratts. This was Quinn's first introduction to the one of my favorites: blackberry pie. And remembering him eating that delicacy puts pies on my mind:
Rhubarb Custard
Coconut Cream
Lemon Meringue
Sweet Potato
Sweet Potato Pecan
Banana Cream

I've had some pies that are so good they make your taste buds ache in pleasure, an orgy of culinary perfection. One pie besides blackberry that I've grown to love is my mom's rhubarb custard, which to some people doesn't sound appetizing, but the sweetness of the loose custard counterposed by the tang of the rhubard creates a delectable balance that exemplifies a strange bit of hyperbole I heard a person use once when describing great barbeque: "It's so good it'll make you slap your momma."

To me, pie is the consummate comfort food. And blackberries, you see, they're good for me , so that gives me an even more valid excuse to indulge.

But I loved pie before pie was cool.

Pie is never a trend.

It's the food of every year.


Sandy Longhorn said...

'Tis true, we have a gourmet cupcake place just up the street. And LR was late to that party. Now, when the pie shop comes to the'll know where to find me. I agree about cakes/cupcakes being less than pies and my book at least.

That picture is delightful.

fern said...

At my house, we celebrate pi day (March 14, aka 3.14) with pie. I can't think of a single reason not to do so.

I also liked the picture, but it was the list of pies, the menu, that held my eye. The only thing that makes me sad about pie is that restaurants so often serve bad imitation pie, and if you have the platonic ideal firmly in mind, it's a real let down.

Quintilian B. Nasty said...

Sandy, that fact about Little Rock makes it sound cosmopolitan even though it was a latecomer.

Thanks to both about comments about the pic of Quinn. It was also the first real time he took an interest in my passion of pie. I may have hooked him.

So few restaurants serve good pie as you relate, Fern. When eating it at the dinner table, my Dad would often comment that the "crust is key" in a good pie. Earlier in life, I thought he was crazy because I was focused on scarfing down the filling. But as I'll admit now, he's partially right I think. A good crust can redeem a mediocre filling, and good filling can barely save a pedestrian crust. The best deal, of course, is when both components are excellent.

Here in Chucktown, I've heard that the new restaurant Georgie Boy's has pie, and I have yet to try out the dessert offerings at the diner in Mattoon.

Like Palin's electoral map, both establishments are in in my culinary crosshairs.

travolta said...

Like Palin's electoral map, both establishments are in in my culinary crosshairs.

Clearly the next time some nutjob shoots someone it is due to your hateful violence-inciting rhetoric.

Nice job, clown.

Quintilian B. Nasty said...

Nah, the next time you hear about a piece of pie that's been decimated at Georgie Boy's or the diner in Mattoon, it's because of my well organized but visually crude persuasion.

That comment flushed you out like a Springer Spaniel causes a pheasant to fly out of a hedgerow, travolta.

Just having a little fun there, clown.

travolta said...

"That comment flushed you out like a Springer Spaniel causes a pheasant to fly out of a hedgerow, travolta."

Is that a dogwhistle reference to Cheney unloading into his hunting companion? 8)

Just because I have nothing meaningful to add to the pie conversation doesn't mean I won't comment. Of your list, I enjoy Peach, Custard, Coconut Cream, Pumpkin, Apple, Pecan, and Banana Cream. I prefer sweet fillings, obviously, when it comes to pie.

Politics and sports will always draw a comment from me. I figured that's why you said it.

Quintilian B. Nasty said...

Don't you reckon Cheney hunts with a couple of Dobermans?

"Release the hounds, Smithers."