Friday, May 28, 2010

Music Friday: "Zoysia"

Since my day from 8am to 5pm was spent doing a curb appeal project that involved digging up sod, putting in edging, laying weed guard, and spreading mulch, why not a song about grass?

Well, I listened to this album while I was working too, but the song isn't really about Zoysia grass per se.

Click HERE for The Bottle Rockets playing at the Duck Room.

And here are the lyrics since the recording isn't the best:
In my neck of the woods,
the town where I live,
it's out in the sticks
and conservative.

Got lots of churchs,
we got lots of bars,
and the kids 'round here
they fight our wars.

Out on the left,
out on the right,
they're always arguing
wrong and right.

But in the meantime,
life just goes on,
We pay our bills.
We mow our lawns.

If your neighbor gets the Zoysia grass,
buddy, you get Zoysia too.
And maybe if you hurt yourself,
he'll mow your lawn for you.

I was riding 'round,
listening to the radio.
Why they say those things
I just don't know.

Some states are red;
some states are blue.
We like to simplify
and believe it's true.


Out on the lawns
we got campaign signs.
We always know
when it's election time.

The guy next door,
his signs aren't like mine.
But he's all right,
and we get along fine.


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