Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Fully Labeled

Finally, I'm done.

It took a while, but this here blog is fully labeled or "tagged."

Going through this process was interesting because I got to see how PlannedOb has changed over the short lifespan it's been around. Since I started the blog at the height of the presidential primaries, it's not surprising that one of the top labels is "Politics."

But lately I haven't been writing as much about politics as I did when I first started this blog. It was one of the main subjects of my first blog that I started when I lived in St. Louis. Some readers may remember that one.

But election time is ramping up, so I suspect I might write a bit more about politics. Then again, maybe I won't. I don't know. It can be tiring and depressing. I need a more "Stay Positive" outlook because of my natural pessimism, and writing about Mitt Romney, the Tea Party, and attack ads is not going to help.

Regardless, if I do write about the upcoming election, here are some pertinent labels I might use for such posts:

  • Frustration
  • Anger
  • Media
  • Race
  • Social Class
  • Stupidity
  • Deceit
  • Nonsense
  • Dark Messages
  • Immigration
  • Iraq

I added "stupidity" late in the process, so I'm sure there are some posts from the past couple of years that I could use that label for, but I don't think I want to back through all of those posts again.

And I need to add hokum to that list.  


Babe Runner said...

I think this would make a great creative writing prompt: kids, take all these words and turn them into a story. Bonus points if you add "hokum" in a cool way.

Quintilian B. Nasty said...

With those words, there would be plenty of tension in the story. If Larry Brown were still alive, I know he could craft a fine short story based on those terms.