Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Iraq's Budget Surplus

I remember the days when the government of the U.S.A. had a budget surplus.

Nowadays the Iraqi Government has one, as can be read about HERE.

I'm sure it's quite complex as why they're flush with 79 billion, but the leaders quoted in the NY Times piece offer vague excuses and reassurances.

Regardless of whether this situation is understandable or, as Woody Allen said in one of his movies, it's "a travesty of a sham of a mockery, a travestshamockery," I sure we'll be hearing quite a bit about this in coming days, unless of course you don't read the papers or watch the news. 


Anonymous said...

Who dropped the ball this time / Who will get the blame??? It is not like this surplus happened over night! If true, this is just another clear example of mismanagment of this entire campaign. It is criminal!!!

One sees this type of stuff, and cannot help to get their blood pressure up.

Quintilian B. Nasty said...

American tax dollars at work.

Iraqi oil profits collecting interest.

Quintilian B. Nasty said...

Or how 'bout a haiku?

American tax
Dollars hemorrhage.
And so do the troops.