Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Stay Positive: Caribbean Red Habanero

Over twenty years ago I grew Caribbean Red habaneros when I was a grad student at the University of Alabama.

It wasn't until this summer that I grew another Caribbean Red because I had never seen any around these parts in East-Central Illinois. I found the plants at a local place over in Mattoon, the family owned and operated de Buhr's Seed & Feed.   

The Caribbean Reds are twice as hot as a regular habenero. I made some salsa for my wife today, and I could tell a difference once I tested the sales to see if I got the seasoning right. 

The Caribbean Reds have more of fruity/citrusy quality than regular habaneros from my tasting. 

Regardless, I will be growing them again next season if de Buhr's has them again. 

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