Friday, February 25, 2022

Music Friday: "Call Me"

One of the current books I'm reading is A Meditation on Fire by Jason Allen. 

I usually read books of poetry from start to finish, so I've been reading two or three poems a day to bask in the hot-blunt, gritty-lyrical quality of Allen's verse. 

But I was lying on the couch on Wednesday after walking the dogs and reading a couple of poems, and I opened up the collection to a poem titled "Blondie and Me." I was intrigued by the title. 

It's a wonderful poem that recounts the persona's memory of watching The Muppet Show when he was six when Debbie Harry was on it, specifically her performance of "Call Me." 

So, of course, I had to check out the video below because I didn't remember that episode of The Muppet Show, and the poem is an artful rendering of being entranced by a beautiful woman. 

I've been there many times. 

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