Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Musing of the Moment: The Best Words

tremendous, incredible, not been done before, great, fantastic, absolutely fantastic, pretty quickly, I can tell you, really good job, 100 percent, very successful, faster than people think, the big ones, great meeting, they've been fantastic, trust me, it was an incredible thing, fantastic job, big, I don't think I've ever seen anything like it, important people, going big, that's the way it'll be, great job, very simple, like nobody's ever seen, massive numbers, tremendous amounts, totally

The words above are the verbal filler that Moscow Don uses when he gives a speech. And I compiled these during a highly scripted speech. 

Regardless, this is a worst-case scenario: a pandemic hits the US while the country is being led by a science-averse clown. And it's a pandemic because the country is being led by a science-averse clown.

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