Tuesday, March 17, 2009

No Green

I rarely wear green on St. Patrick's Day, but my kids did.

People like to say that "everybody's Irish on St. Pattie's Day," but we all know that's an excuse for drinking.

With all the greenwashing going on with businesses these days, I'm not interested in doing some personal greenwashing. 

I'm not Irish. I have English blood in me, hence the surname of "Nasty." The English were the oppressors in that little ethnic struggle across the Atlantic, so I have no interest in parading as something I'm not. 

My kids are true mutts though. With the mixture of the blood of me and Mrs. Nasty, the kids are part Norwegian, Danish, German, English, French, Dutch, and Irish.   

Green is my favorite color, however. 

And one of my favorite euphemisms is "Irish confetti," aka bricks.

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