Monday, June 24, 2024

Fumbling Toward Culinary Talent: Cheese Sandwiches

A good while ago I tried this Branston spread that British people apparently like. I didn't care for it. It was way too tangy and root vegetal for my taste. 

On the Interwebs I read that people recommended using the spread on cheese sandwiches. I tried that concoction, and it wasn't good. 

When I think of a sandwich, I usually associate that lunch staple with some kind of deli meat, not just cheese. Yes, I know how American that statement sounds. 

Lately I experimented with cheese sandwiches to good effect. Pick your favorite slices of cheese (I've tried Muenster and Havarti so far) and make a sandwich. However, the way I like it is to use sriracha mayo of some variety on both pieces of bread. It pairs well with the cheese and bread as a solid condiment.

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