Monday, June 24, 2024

Fumbling Toward Culinary Talent: Cheese Sandwiches

A good while ago I tried this Branston spread that British people apparently like. I didn't care for it. It was way too tangy and root vegetal for my taste. 

On the Interwebs I read that people recommended using the spread on cheese sandwiches. I tried that concoction, and it wasn't good. 

When I think of a sandwich, I usually associate that lunch staple with some kind of deli meat, not just cheese. Yes, I know how American that statement sounds. 

Lately I experimented with cheese sandwiches to good effect. Pick your favorite slices of cheese (I've tried Muenster and Havarti so far) and make a sandwich. However, the way I like it is to use sriracha mayo of some variety on both pieces of bread. It pairs well with the cheese and bread as a solid condiment.

Musing of the Moment: Tottenham's Away Kit

Tottenham's away kit got released recently. You can see it below and read about it on Footy Headlines

I dig the new away kit. I like the mixture of three different blues and how the cockerel atop the ball is in the middle of the shirt. 

My only question is why Nike went with the kind of strange-looking v-neck. Why not just do a regular v-neck? I don't understand. 

If I were to get a Tottenham jersey, I think this would be the one I would get. However, the damn thing costs $95. That figure is astounding. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Music Friday: "Unwritten"

This is one of my favorite songs of my son's current girlfriend. 

I was reminded of it when it was played in between innings of my son's travel baseball game today. 

As pop songs go, it's a solid tune.  

Friday, June 14, 2024

Music Friday: "Pretty Persuasion"

This song was, for whatever reason, in heavy rotation on a couple of different SiriusXM radio stations I listen to. 

You might as well enjoy it too. 

Random Notes from a Crank

The Washington Post has an exclusive report about police officers sexually abuse kids and get away with it. Please read this gifted article titled "Abused by the Badge." 

No one should be above the law. 

In other news, the ignoramuses who are members of the Southern Baptist Convention oppose in vitro fertilization, and a majority of the voters think women shouldn't be preachers. Check it out in "Southern Baptist Convention Votes to Oppose In Vitro Fertilization." 

You can't reason with stupid.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Music Friday: "Dark Matter"

Here's the title track of Pearl Jam's new album this year.