Thursday, December 7, 2023

Fumbling Toward Culinary Talent: Eggy Spaghetti

It has been a long time since I made this makeshift dish that one of my fraternity brothers showed to me decades ago. 

It's basically a scrambled egg and spaghetti mash-up that is great to eat after a hard night of drinking. 

I didn't have a drunken night, but I have lots of leftover spaghetti, and I didn't feel like eating it with my homemade pasta sauce. 

3 eggs
A healthy dollop of sour cream
Leftover spaghetti
Avocado or canola oil
A healthy sprinkling of parmesan cheese
Salt and pepper to taste

Grab a couple of good handfuls of leftover spaghetti and put it in into a cast iron skillet. Chop up the spaghetti with a spatula, so the pasta is in smaller pieces. Heat the skillet to medium and coat the pan and pasta with oil.

Crack your eggs into a bowl and add in the sour cream, which makes scrambled eggs fluffy. Add in salt and pepper. Blend with a fork. 

Once the pan is hot enough, pour the egg mixture over the spaghetti and treat it like scrambled eggs. Sprinkle a healthy does of parmesan cheese on top when you plate the dish. 

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