Thursday, November 19, 2020

Random Notes from a Crank

 Lately I've been thinking about the concept of "staircase wit," also notably described by the French as "L'esprit de l'escalier." It's when you think of something you should have later. 

The funniest version of it comes from this episode of Seinfeld. 

One could also call it the jerk-store paradox. 

This year I discovered a cocktail I should have had imbibed years ago. It's the Caesar. It originated in Canada, and it's basically a Bloody Mary but with Clamato instead of tomato juice. 

Why is it called the Caesar though? I know a lot of factoids about Roman history, but I don't recall Julius Caesar known for liking clams. I guess it's possible. But come to find out, it's full name is Bloody Caesar. So that's why - the whole stabbing on the Ides of March. 

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