Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Random Notes from a Crank

I was at the local post office on Monday. People were doing the social distancing thing, which they obviously should. However, the women in line behind me coughed rather raspy directly into her hand. 

They need to do some PSAs for adults about how to properly cough into one's elbow. 

I'm glad that woman was behind me. I got the hell out of there quickly. 

In the recent issue of The Atlantic, Christopher Orr has an interesting essay about Scooby-Doo: "The Secret of Scooby-Doo's Enduring Appeal." 

I admittedly have a thing for red-headed women. I think it all started with Daphne. 

Oh sweet Daphne...

In that same issue, there's a solid article about one health expert's fight for proper treatment for opiod addiction in a part of rural America. The title online is "America's Other Epidemic: A New Approach to Fighting the Opiod Crisis as It Quietly Goes On," but in the print magazine the title is just the quotation, "At 14, I could've pointed out everybody who would be dead." 

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