Sunday, August 4, 2019

Random Notes from a Crank

In the wake of the mass shootings in Dayton and El Paso this weekend, I'm sure the apologists for Moscow Don and the NRA will cite the "troubled minds" of the shooters, send some worthless thoughts and prayers, and do absolutely nothing. 

Three writers for the Washington Post get it. 

The first is Philip Rucker's "'How Do You Stop These People?": Trump's Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric Looms Over the El Paso Massacre."

The column by EJ Dionne Jr. is spot on: "On Guns and White Nationalism, One Side Is Right and One Side is Wrong."

Here is most of a ¶ that is worth a read: "But may God also judge Trump for a political strategy whose success depends on sowing racism, reaction, and division. May God judge him for stoking false and incendiary fears about an immigrant 'invasion,' the very word echoed by the manifesto that police suspect was the El Paso shooter's. May God judge the president for cutting programs to fight white extremism at the very moment when the FBI is telling us that we are more at risk from white-nationalist terrorist than Islamist terrorists." 

The title of Jennifer Rubin's column coheres with my thoughts exactly: "There Is No Excuse for Supporting this President."

Her last ¶ is trenchant: "In sum, we are awash in hate crimes and white nationalist-inspired mass murders. We have a president whose words inspire and bolster perpetrators of these heinous acts. That makes Trump not only a moral abomination, which no policy outcome can offset, but a threat to our national security. Those encouraged by his words in recent years kill more Americans than Islamist terrorists. If that is not justification for bipartisan repudiation of this president and removal from office at the earliest possible moment I don't what is. Those who countenance and support this president for his white-grievance mongering are not merely 'deplorable' but dangerous."

I don't care whom the Democrats nominate for president. Hell, I'll back Biden even though I've never been that impressed by him, and his policy stances are somewhat wishy-washy. 

We need to get that pathologically lying, white supremacist, sociopathic con man out of the White House. 

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