Thursday, December 18, 2008

Porcine Goodness

The cuisine of the deep South is known for fried food. You got okra, chicken, and the ubiquitous chicken-fried steak. Those people will fry almost anything. Heck, even ribs and candy bars.

But one item you don't see in most parts of the country is the pork tenderloin sandwich. That delicacy is especially a favorite of my home state, the great state of Iowa, and other parts of the Midwest. 

This afternoon I did myself a favor and ordered a pork tenderloin sandwich from McHugh's, a fast food joint whose slogan is "Famous in Coles County, not the World." A smattering of pickles atop the patty coupled with adequate amount of yellow mustard on the bun is an accompaniment that befits this noble sandwich.


Aaron said...

How about the pork tenderloin sandwich at Tutor's Deli? I remember the diameter of the patty being about 3 inches larger than the bun. Awesome!

Quintilian B. Nasty said...

Ah, Tutor's Deli. That joint brings back memories. That place did have a decent port tenderloin sandwich.