Friday, December 27, 2024

Musing of the Moment: Changes in Football to be Considered

I would like to propose a few changes to the game of football, two of which are related to scoring. 

Proposal 1: Make the Safety Worth More Points
The safety has worth two points forever. However, it's more rare than a field goal, so why not make it at least as much as field goal or maybe even more? A bold proposal would be a safety scoring 4 points. 

Proposal 2: Make Field Goals Over 50 yards Worth Four Points
People are familiar with fantasy football scoring system that give different points based on how long the field goal is. For example, in the fantasy league I am part of, a field goal from 0-39 yards is worth 3 points, 40-49 yards is worth 4 points, 50-59 points is worth 5 points, and over 60 yards is worth 6 points. 

But let's keep it simple. Any field goal over 50 yards scores 4 points, not 3. 

Proposal 3: In the NFL, Change the Kickoff Rules for More Returns
This season in the NFL the kickoff rules were changed for safety reasons, which I agree with. However, teams are still mainly just kicking it into the end zone for no returns and just touchbacks. 

If the NFL wants to really get kickers getting it into the "landing zone," they need to spot touchbacks not at the 30-yard line. Instead, touchbacks should be spotted at the 40-yard line to penalize touchbacks. 

Be bold. 

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