Thursday, May 23, 2024

Random Notes from a Crank

I got this image from the InterWebs. It reflects the dual nature of my personality. 

Our little area of the country was featured by CBS evening news because of all of the damn cicadas. Check it out. 

The only error I noticed is that the location is described as "southern Illinois" when in reality it's east-central Illinois. I guess it's southern if you think of downstate Illinois as south of Chicago. 

Here are some percentages from the June "Harper's Index" that might factor into college choices:
  • Percentage of U.S. college students who say reproductive-health laws were at least somewhat important to their school choice: 71
  • Who say they were highly important: 38
  • Percentage of Republican college students who would prefer to attend a school in a state with greater access to reproductive care: 63

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