Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Random Notes from a Crank

As a Washington Post columns lays out, Elizabeth Warren is trying to do something about the widespread corruption in D.C.: "Elizabeth Warren Has Bold Ideas about How to Drain the Swamp." 

To me, the ideas aren't that bold. Rather, they are sensible and fair. First, "Warren’s bill would strike directly at the heart of this problem. It 'padlocks the revolving door' between jobs in government and in lobbying. It bans top elected or appointed federal officials from becoming lobbyists after they leave office — for the rest of their lives. It bans any corporate lobbyist, or any executive of a company found guilty of breaking the law from taking a job in the federal government for six years."

In addition, "Warren calls for banning Americans from getting paid to lobby for foreign governments — period. It would prohibit lobbyists from writing campaign checks or giving personal gifts to anyone running for or holding federal office. She would slap a tax on corporations that gear up lobby campaigns that cost more than $500,000. This would be complemented by her separate bill, the Accountable Capitalism Act , which would require the largest corporations to take all stakeholders into account, empower workers to elect 40 percent of corporate boards, and gain approval of three-fourths of the board before the corporation can use money for political purposes." 

Will it go anywhere? We'll see. With the current makeup of the Senate, I doubt it. But it does take aim at the Confederacy of Whores that is our U.S. Congress (and of course, Agent Orange/Moscow Don and his minions). 

If you're paying attention, Moscow Don is trucking in "narcissistic injury" and "narcissistic rage" as is explained by neuroscientist Bobby Azarian: "Trump's Downfall: A Neuroscientist Explains What Happens When a Narcissist Starts to Lose Power." 

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