Monday, January 2, 2012

Random Notes from a Crank

Since I'm watching the Stanford and Oklahoma State game, I'm just had to hear draft advice from Matt Millen, which makes me cringe. The Detroit Lions have finally recovered from his tenure as that organization's GM.

Today my son today bought a sweet light saber with his own money. Since he chose a blue saber, one that is supposed to be a replica of Ben Kenobi's, I will now enjoy calling him "Obi Wan." The Force will be with him.

We still have our Christmas tree up.

TV execs pound genres to dust. Reality TV and the CSI octopus are easy examples. But now we have Cajun Pawn Stars and a Storage Wars set in Texas.

But I kind of like the second Storage Wars.

As many of you can probably imagine, Tim Tebow annoys the hell out of me. And if there is a God, I highly doubt she/he/it cares about the outcome of a Broncos' game. Quit praying to your God for selfish reasons.

And to various athletes everywhere, Jesus Christ or God or Allah or whatever didn't guide you to have a great game. You had a great game because of your skills, cultivated talent, and intelligence.

Which reminds me of one of my favorite scenes in a Simpsons episode, the one where Homer is trapped in a Port-o-Potty as an enraged rhino is about to kill him. Homer's line as he prays for protection is "Jesus, Buddha, Allah -- I love you all." However, Marge drives her monstrous El Ranchero SUV to rescue him.


TG Dem said...

"if there is a God" and you still have Christmas tree up..funny

Quintilian B. Nasty said...

Tradition, TG Dem, tradition.

And I still believe in Santa.

Quintilian B. Nasty said...

TG Dem, who do you think wins Iowa for the GOP?

Anonymous said...

Hope santorum, probably romney

Babe Runner said...

As Bart Simpson also said, "Christmas is a day when people of all religions come together to worship Jesus Christ."

Quintilian B. Nasty said...

And presents.