Friday, January 6, 2012

Music Friday: "Heart of Steel"

I had plans to do a bunch of work in the office today. Didn't happen.

I caught some crud that gave me a fever and the feeling like someone hit me in the back of the head with a two-by-four. Last night I slept in the guest bedroom downstairs, and my son informed me this morning, "Jeez, you stink." I'm sure I did.

In the midst of sleeping from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. today, one of the dreams that I remember was about the upcoming BCS National Championship game. I don't know if it was on the opening kickoff, but what I remember is that LSU ran a kickoff back for a touchdown and immediately after New Orleans experienced a major earthquake, which stopped the game and is great since we all know New Orleans hasn't had enough natural disasters.

An easy read of the fever-drenched dream is that I'mconcerned about Alabama's special teams play like I have been all season.

To hopefully ward off an impending earthquake in New Orleans and/or a crappy performance by the Crimson Tide on Monday, I offer Galactic playing "Heart of Steel" at Tipitina's.

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