Thursday, January 5, 2012


Since I'm a week away from my birthday, the comic on Basic Instructions from a couple of days ago seems appropriate.

I still have a few flannel shirts from the 90s. I may wear one of them next Thursday. In my opinion, flannel never goes out of style.


Mrs. Nasty said...

Doesn't help when your 8 year old daughter thinks the 1980's is REALLY OLD!!!! Happy Early Bday my old fart

fern said...

I was just looking at that comic with my old fart. We agreed that the 80s could seem like a while ago to kids today, but not the 90s, surely, since they were just yesterday. However, I just had to revise a literary history assignment to allow students to read a young adult work published before 1990, though some of them could read a more recent work and still not read one that was published during their life time. geez.

And hey, I'm so sorry to hear that you're sick! Again! That's not fair. And your birthday is during the first week back at work! The gods definitely owe you a satisfying game to watch Monday night. On the bright side, you don't have a course to teach then, as you did last semester. What would you have done?