Watching Northern Exposure with all its Red Hook beer advertising reminds me of one of my favorite breweries. I drank my fair share of Red Hook ESBs and Long Hammer IPAs. Strangely enough, I drank lots of Red Hook, a beer made in Seattle, when I lived in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. I've never seen it around these parts, unfortunately. And now they have all kinds of interesting IPAs that I can't get my hands on.
I searched for it on Binny's website, and all I got was squat.
I had forgotten how much I enjoyed that show, Northern Exposure. It has to be my favorite TV series of all time. I'm so glad Amazon made it available on Prime.
Because of a possible "wintry mix," the schools around here did not have have classes. All it did was rain. The silliness of people who aren't used to snow...
I've seen a trend recently of mid-size cities or larger cities making people their area's poet laureate. When did this move of laureating poets in places like Mobile and Mufreesboro start to happen?
I'm not against it or anything. In fact, I like it because it supports the artistic community, but I'm just wondering when this trend started.
Who started the laureating fire? And where else will it spread to?
NPR has an interesting article out about the "Nones," who are apparently the largest group in the US in regard to religion. I fit into that group because I'm a highly skeptical agnostic.
The article is "Religious 'Nones' Are Now the Largest Single Group in the U.S."
The good news to me is that this group is growing and they are likely to be liberal. In addition, apparently Evangelicals is a group that's shrinking. More good news.