Sunday, January 26, 2020

Musing of the Moment: Biden and Who at VP?

The Washington Post's recent article, "Biden and Sanders Are Breaking Away from the Pack of Candidates...," shows that Biden seems to be pulling away from the rest of the field if we can trust recent polls and the upcoming primaries in subsequent states after Iowa and New Hampshire. 

I will readily admit that Biden is not my favorite candidate, but I sure in hell will vote for him for President over the idiocy and corruption of Moscow Don. I cannot understand any Bernie supporter who would sit out the election because whatever candidate chosen does not have the requisite ideological purity. 

In fact, of the candidates, I like Warren, Klobuchar, Bloomberg, Steyer, Biden, and Buttigieg probably in that order. But I'm looking toward the general election. For me, the main decision is going to come down to who will be the Vice Presidential candidate. 

As for candidates for VP, I'm thinking Kamala Harris or Corey Booker. Warren would work too.

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