Sunday, January 26, 2020

Fumbling Toward Culinary Talent: Keto (Porcine) Salmon Patties

When I was a kid, my mom made salmon patties on a fairly regular basis. It's a foodstuff of modest origins: canned salmon. 

I hadn't made salmon patties in ages, so I went for the most part off the recipe on the can, but I made some minor modifications, the main being substituting crushed pork rinds for bread crumbs. 

In the future, garnishing the patties with some freshly chopped cilantro seems in order. When Mrs. Nasty ate her patty, she slathered on guacamole, and she said it tasted great. 

1 can of salmon
1/2 cup of crushed pork rinds
1/2 cup of diced yellow onion, sweated down
1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice
1 tablespoon of lemon zest
1-2 beaten eggs
Salt and pepper to taste

Because I hate raw onions, I sweated down the onions with some rosemary-infused olive oil. As they were cooking, one can crush the pork rinds and set them aside. Then I drained the salmon and picked out any nasty bits. 

Dump the salmon, onions, and pork rinds into a large bowl and then add the eggs. Add salt and pepper.

In a medium-high skillet, coat with neutral oil and cook until both sides are golden brown and delicious.

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