Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Random Notes from a Crank

 I'm looking forward to some new albums coming out this year. I know The Hold Steady is set to drop a new album this year. And I've already acquired new albums form Lucero and Langhorne Slim. 

The fact that many of the GOP Senators will not acquit the 45th president for inciting a riot is ridiculous but not surprising. No spines or ethics. The Republican Party is being held hostage by a crazy person and white supremacist nonsense. 

As much as I like the term Latinx term, I read an article in Harper's recently that noted that over two-thirds or three quarters of Latinos don't care for or use the term. It's a coinage used by academics and well-meaning liberals, not one created by the people themselves. So they're not really using it. 

Regardless, Latinos and Black are not monolithic voting blocks. They never have been. In fact, they tend to be more centrist than left wing. 

Then again, as Jennifer Rubin write about in "Shrinking the GOP, One State at a Time," there are significant amounts of voters who are no longer registered as Republicans in important states like Colorado, North Caroline, Arizona, and Pennsylvania after the attack on the Capitol. 

And D.C. and Puerto Rico should be given statehood.

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