Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Fumbling Toward Culinary Talent: Beef Liver Pate

I got the basics of this recipe from the InterWebs, but I modified it a bit. I added juice from a couple of slices of lime to brighten it up a bit. 

1 package of beef liver
6 TB of butter
2-3 slivers of lime, squeezed
Salt and pepper to taste
Dried thyme to taste

Wash the liver and pat them dry. Cut into smaller sizes and sprinkle with kosher salt and freshly cracked black pepper. Put a cast-iron skillet on medium-high heat and add three tablespoons of butter to it. 

Once the butter is melted and sufficiently hot, add the liver and sautĂ© each side of the liver for one minute. Move the cooked liver to a plate to cool. 

In a separate small skillet, melt three tablespoons of butter on low. 

Wait for about fifteen minutes, so the liver cools down. Place the liver, lime juice, melted butter, thyme, salt, and pepper into a food processor. Process till it's smooth and refrigerate. 

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