Sunday, January 3, 2021

Musing of the Moment: A Flag Pole & Bankruptcy

There's a home down the road from where I live here in east central Illinois that has a huge yard and a large flag pole. Atop the flap pole is an American flag, and below that flag is a Trump 2020 flag. I noticed the other day that at the bottom of the flag pole, the owner of the home has strewn razor wire about the base of the flag pole. 

What kind of maniac does such stuff, especially considering that Moscow Don lost the election? What kind of weirdo still keeps up a campaign flag? 

This stupidity is even more acute that Moscow Don regularly floats conspiracy theory and lies about how he won the election. 

The Washington Post profiled his despicable call with the Attorney General of Georgia in "Trump Pressures Georgia's Raffensperger to Overturn His Defeat in Extraordinary Call." He pleaded with him to "find" votes for him. 

The 45th President is the most corrupt Executive in our nation's history. And the GOP clowns who plan to contest the electoral college votes are aiding and abetting a con artist/criminal who is morally and financially bankrupt. 

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