Friday, December 12, 2008

Music Friday: "Rusty Cage"

Click HERE for the best band to ever come out of Seattle. Pearl Jam is a close second though.

This clip is circa 1992, possibly the apex of the grunge movement. 


Anonymous said...

I loved that song on GTA San Andreas

Anonymous said...

It takes until 1:50 to show guitarist Kim Thayil? Shameful.

Got their due too late. I know they eventually won a Grammy for "Spoonman," but this whole album features weird time signatures, multiple rhythms put into a single song, etc. If people stopped stagediving and listened, there is a whole lot going on in these songs.

Ironically, drummer Matt Cameron is not touring with Pearl Jam.

Quintilian B. Nasty said...

No doubt about it--Soundgarden was a great band.

Some of my favorites are "Outshined," "Jesus Christ Pose," "4th of July," and "Fell on Black Days."

Did they coin the term "feeling Minnesota"?

One funny phrase in one of their songs is "The grass is always greener/Where the dogs are shitting."

I recently listened to a related classic grunge album, Temple of the Dog. Remember that one?